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The rank of field marshal was used by some countries as the highest rank, while in other countries it was used as a divisional or brigade rank. Many countries (notably pre-revolutionary France and eventually much of Latin America) actually used two brigade command ranks, which is why some countries now use two stars as their brigade general insignia. Today, the title of general is known in some countries as a four-star rank. However, different countries use different systems of stars or other insignia for senior ranks.

A noteworthy historical exception was the Cromwellian naval rank "general at sea". In recent years in the American service there is a tendency to use flag officer and flag rank to refer to generals and admirals of the services collectively. A high rank of officer in the army and in the US air force, above lieutenant general and below field marshal, general of the army, or general of the air force. Variations of one form, the old European system, were once used throughout Europe. It is used in Germany, where it comes from originally, and from where it eventually spread to the United Kingdom and thence subsequently to other Commonwealth countries and the United States. The general officer ranks are named by prefixing "general", as an adjective, with field officer ranks, although in some countries the highest general officers are titled field marshal, marshal, or captain general.

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Final eligible candidates list will be uploaded 2 days after last date of provisional list. Roll number and test center will be allotted in final eligible candidate list. The roll number slips will be dispatched by NTS about 10 days prior to the test date. NTS will dispatch the result cards within 7 days after the test date. Provisional eligible candidates list will be displayed on our website on first come first served basis of the registration Form .

In some usages the term "general officer" refers to a rank above colonel. Such reports highlight consequences that affect development prospects in general. Board members who read the letter had to return their copy to Microsoft’s general counsel, the people said.

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It has a NATO rank scale code of OF-9 and is the highest rank currently in use in a number of armies, air forces, and marine organizations. Committees and other subsidiary organs established by the Assembly to study and report on specific issues, such as disarmament, peacekeeping, decolonization, economic development, the environment and human rights. Personal Information on Answer SheetThe answer sheet contains personal data of candidate on the top of the sheet. The candidate is required to critically check these fields and sign in the required space. If any field of personal information is found in-correct the candidate must inform the invigilator present around.


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